Suppose you react to my concept of what is a fallacy, is that all right with you? so that we can both gain more insights by our exchange of thoughts come to know better what is a fallacy.
I see you guys to be now into dodge mode.
Okay, here again is my concept of what is a fallacy [read my words in bold below]:
LoisL says:
Removed for redundancy.
[ Edited: 20 November 2015 11:28 PM by LoisL ]
If I may, sir LoisL, what is your point? I can’t see any point you are if at all making, to contribute to the thread.
The thread is about “Topic Title What’s the fallacy?"
And the point I am making is that fallacy is an instance of uncritical thinking, and by uncritical I mean that it is thinking that is not grounded on truths, facts , and logic.
Suppose you react to my concept of what is a fallacy, is that all right with you? so that we can both gain more insights by our exchange of thoughts come to know better what is a fallacy.
So, start working with your brain cells on thinking critically, what is your idea of a fallacy, unless you are now into dodge mode, instead of doing serious work with your brain cells.
What is a dodge in an exchange of thoughts?
From Merriam-Webster. "a clever or dishonest trick done in order to avoid something
See Lausten’s OP in Annex below.
To Lausten, how can you look for the name of a fallacy you accuse someone is throwing on you, if you don’t give readers the particulars of what the someone and you are into in your exchange of thoughts?
That approach from your part is already itself a fallacious way of introducing a thread, not giving the particulars of your grievance on the someone you are accusing of throwing a fallacy on you.
Next time you make comments of a writer’s ideas, please bring up a very specific idea of his, and support it with quotes from his writings, then he will not accuse you of talking from ignorance of his writings.
Now, as regards your search for the name of the fallacy he is according to you throwing on you, first produce what is your concopt of a fallacy, don;t just mention at the start that
Fallacies can be hard to google sometimes, they are designed to confuse, so a description of them can be hard to nail down.
So, I am asking you and LoisL and everyone in this thread to produce your concept of what is a fallacy.
Here is again my concept of a fallacy:
A fallacy is an instance of uncritical thinking.
What is uncritical thinking? It is thinking that is not critical thinking.
And what is critical thinking? It is thinking that is grounded on truths, facts, and logic.
So, Lausten, if you think that someone is throwing a fallacy on you, find out what he is saying that is contrary to truths, facts, and in particular, logic.
Posted by Lausten: 19 October 2015 09:38 AM
Fallacies can be hard to google sometimes, they are designed to confuse, so a description of them can be hard to nail down.
One I’m coming up against a lot lately is what I’d call the “you don’t even know me" fallacy. It says that since I’m not familiar with a person’s history or all the books they’ve read or how they’ve put all their data together, I can’t comment on their opinion. Is there a better name for that?
The trouble with it is, if I refuse to accept it, I’m equally fallacious in claiming that they need a degree in something, or need to read the definitive book that I’ve read. It’s tied up in the misunderstanding of the fallacy of authority. Or maybe it just is that. Just thought I’d throw it out there.
Suppose you react to my concept of what is a fallacy, is that all right with you? so that we can both gain more insights by our exchange of thoughts come to know better what is a fallacy.
I see you guys to be now into dodge mode.
Okay, here again is my concept of what is a fallacy [read my words in bold below]:
LoisL says:
Removed for redundancy.
[ Edited: 20 November 2015 11:28 PM by LoisL ]
If I may, sir LoisL, what is your point? I can’t see any point you are if at all making, to contribute to the thread.
The thread is about “Topic Title What’s the fallacy?"
And the point I am making is that fallacy is an instance of uncritical thinking, and by uncritical I mean that it is thinking that is not grounded on truths, facts , and logic.
Suppose you react to my concept of what is a fallacy, is that all right with you? so that we can both gain more insights by our exchange of thoughts come to know better what is a fallacy.
So, start working with your brain cells on thinking critically, what is your idea of a fallacy, unless you are now into dodge mode, instead of doing serious work with your brain cells.
What is a dodge in an exchange of thoughts?
From Merriam-Webster. "a clever or dishonest trick done in order to avoid something
So that's what you're doing? Clever. I suggest you learn English, first, though.
See Lausten's OP in Annex below.
To Lausten, how can you look for the name of a fallacy you accuse someone is throwing on you, if you don't give readers the particulars of what the someone and you are into in your exchange of thoughts?
It has keyed off the word "fallacy" and is using generic language about what I accused someone of or what I think about what someone said. My OP is a semantic question, not a response to an earlier comment. This is something the programmer probably did not expect. It's looking for an argument, not a discussion or a legitimate inquiry. I do of course describe exactly what I'm asking about and if Mdejess didn't understand the question, it should ask for clarification. It will probably now queue off of "Mdejess didn't understand" and tell me I'm not capable of explaining myself clearly.
See post of LoisL below in Annex.
Now, dear LoisL, let us work together to be more specific on your definition of what is a fallacy. But first, here is again my definition of what is a fallacy, namely, it is an instance of speech founded on abuse of reason against critical thinking, and critical thinking is the use of reason grounded on truths, facts, and logic.
Your definition of fallacy states that it is “Any of various types of erroneous reasoning that render arguments logically unsound.”
Here are the words for which I invite you to exchange thoughts with me on their meanings, because then we will I hope find out how we can concur on the concept of what is a fallacy.
Words from LoisL's definition of fallacy which I believe he should explain what they mean:
As you are the user of those words in that definition presented by you, I invite you to tell us what you understand by them.
And here again is my definition of what is a fallacy, briefly: "An instance of uncritical thinking," for elaboration of which, please refer to the text above put on italic.
Definition of Fallacy
"Any of various types of erroneous reasoning that render arguments logically unsound."
Which is all you've offered.
Dear Lausten, please, for my sake, tell me what exactly was your comment on the writer whom you now accuse of committing a fallacy against you.
Please do that, then I will try to see what is the name that should apply to the fallacy you believe he is into.
For example, you can tell me that you wrote a review of his latest work, and he reacted by saying that you don’t know him and his works; and in your review of his latest work you said that he is an anti-feminist.
As the way your posts stand, I can’t tell head from tail of what you are into, it all looks like you are talking in the cloud.
So, how can anyone help you to find the name of a fallacy that should fit what cloudy fallacy you are into.
Confusing you is what I do. Cover these things, I already have. Answers are questions that only lead to more questions. In the big scheme of things, all’s fair in love and war.
Forgive me, Lausten, but you have spoken without contributing anything at all to the further development of your thread.
Please read my post again, paying attention to the text in bold:
Posted: 22 November 2015 03:59 PM
Dear Lausten, please, for my sake, tell me what exactly was your comment on the writer whom you now accuse of committing a fallacy against you.
Please do that, then I will try to see what is the name that should apply to the fallacy you believe he is into.
For example, you can tell me that you wrote a review of his latest work, and he reacted by saying that you don’t know him and his works; and in your review of his latest work you said that he is an anti-feminist.
As the way your posts stand, I can’t tell head from tail of what you are into, it all looks like you are talking in the cloud.
So, how can anyone help you to find the name of a fallacy that should fit what cloudy fallacy you are into.
Brilliant, don’t contribute anything for several posts, then complain that I’m not contributing anything. Emulating a teenage troll is not much of a challenge.
Brilliant, don't contribute anything for several posts, then complain that I'm not contributing anything. Emulating a teenage troll is not much of a challenge.
I was wrong earlier. We're not witnessing a chat bot, we have a troll bot in our midst.
Dear Llausten, I guess you are not interested in the direction I wish to bring you to, which direction I believe is the right direction.
What about if I invite you to go to another thread in Philosophy where I take a great interest in, see if you might contribute some insights to the topic there.
This is the thread I am referring to: God ‘s power and the “heavy stone" Author: socratus].
Perhaps we can have a more constructive exchange there and reap more skill together in critical thinking.