What is the Time ?

CC-v.3 said; But, it certainly is the physical manifestation of Time at the most fundamental level.
No, time is not a physical manisfestation. Time is a result of physical manifstation. This is why we have the terms Spatial (physical) dimensions and Temporal (chronological) duration. Time is not an independent dimension . Time of what?

Time for something to happen does not need to exist, physical permission for something to exist is needed for physical expression. Time is the measurement of duration of that physical permission. Space is a “permittive” environment, the continuing existence of space causes the emergence of time as a measurement of the duration of that permission. With “permission” I mean mathematical physical permission. Time is not permittive of anything, it does not exist independent from physical existence. Time is an human symbolic (scientific) expression of duration. The universe doesn’t know anything about time. The universe just is, humans invented time to measure how long the universe has been in existence.

In a sense, positing that time existed before something physical existed is the same thing as saying geometry existed before there was space. The BB created space and along with the contiuation of space time emerged as a measurable property of duration of the existence of space.

This is why we have three spatial dimension (space) and one temporal measurement (time). Time did not need to exist before space was created. Only after space was created, time emerged as a product of duration, which humans have dubbed time… I cannot say it simpler than that.

AA said; Whole Universe can stop moving and observer will say:”It is frozen again!”:)
Hehe.... You forget that the observer would also be frozen and unable to speak at all. Observation can only be accomplished from inside the universe.

The reason why there is time at all is that the universe is in a continuing state (duration) of existence and motion, along with everything in it… :slight_smile:

No, time is not a physical manifestation. Time is a result of physical manifestation.
Here's my quote
Brownian Motion isn’t Time, I’ll grant you that.

But, it certainly is the physical manifestation of Time at the most fundamental level.

Okay, simple correction,

Brownian Motion isn’t Time, I’ll grant you that.

But, it certainly is the perceptual manifestation of Time at the most fundamental level.

Or perhaps,

Brownian Motion isn’t Time, I’ll grant you that.

But, it certainly is the manifestation of Time at the most fundamental level.

Would be just as well.

I suggest you,re talking about the perception of time and time itself.


Which of course brings us right back to the Magisteria of Physical Reality and the Magisteria of our Human Mindscapes conundrum. :wink:

CC-v.3 said: I suggest you,re talking about the perception of time and time itself.
Who is the observer? Time is not a physical phenomenon, it is a result of duartion of a physical phenomenon. When the physical phenomenon stops, duration stops and measurable time does not emerge. Time does not create its own duration of existence.

Time is result of a function. When the function does not occur, there is no time. Before thr BB, there was only a timelessness. IOW, the BB was the beginning of measurable time and everything since the BB is measured relative to the beginning of the emerence of time.

I understand that physical reality can exist and duration (measurable time) of existence can emerge without an observer. But when there is no reality, there is no measurable duration possible and time never emerges at all. Even if time is a purely metaphysical phenomenon, it is a product of existence of something. In a void, time is also absent. Eternal or infinite void are meaningless terms.

It’s really simple, without the continuing duration of existence or change of “something”, there is no time. Time is an emergent measurement of something other than time itself.


Question: If time stands still @ “c”, why does it take 1 second for a photon to cover 386,000 miles? What slows the photon down from “c” for time to not completely stop?


@write4u - But when there is no reality, there is no measurable duration possible and time never emerges at all. Even if time is a purely metaphysical phenomenon, it is a product of existence of something. In a void, time is also absent. Eternal or infinite void are meaningless terms.
Well, guess I didn't switch tracks fast enough to keep up - okay so time is impossible without physical reality. You say time is a product of physical reality. Seems logical and simple enough. I'm fine with that notion.

Guess I’m all wrapped up in physical reality - and within physical reality time is omnipresent. So nothing I said above really conflicts with that conceit. Or?

What goes on outside of physical reality or before the Big Bang - all that is philosophy and fundamentally meaningless to us who are stranded within the physical realm.

Does my perspective make sense?

Well it does matter to our florid Mindscapes. And there we are talking about something that’s slightly out of bounds from physical reality.


Yeah yeah, neuron are physical, electro-chemical properties are physical, quantum effects are physical,

then there are emergent properties, the swarm of thoughts swirling around our minds for instance,

which in themselves are neither neuron, electro-chemical, or quantum effects, but thoughts and imaginings are without without substance.

ccv3 said; Guess I’m all wrapped up in physical reality – and within physical reality time is omnipresent. So nothing I said above really conflicts with that conceit. Or?
I agree. My perspective is that time is an emergent property of duration of some physical reality. It's only a philosophical perspective as everything we experience is physical reality and has an associated element of time.

I wonder if it is of any consequence. After all it is only a measurement and has no physical existence in and of itself.


I wonder if it is of any consequence.

Being that this topic is almost 2 years old means it has traveled into the future.

Time is a divisions of some amount between point A and point B that mass travels.
Everything else is only because you imagined to be so.

mostly, Work = Speed Distance (Mass or Weight)
no going backward, it is a one way trip into the future. for the Mass