For a minute there I thought Adonai meant actual intelligence, not intelligent design. Silly me.
chemical bonds and attractions do not create languages and codified instructional information, nor ciphers and translation mechanisms, not the hardware to process the information.Right, but they did direct the way the original building blocks of life could be put together, that includes all the little molecular machines running about doing their chores. The rest as they say, is history.
chemical bonds and attractions do not create languages and codified instructional information, nor ciphers and translation mechanisms, not the hardware to process the information.Right, but they did direct the way the original building blocks of life could be put together, that includes all the little molecular machines running about doing their chores. The rest as they say, is history. amazing news. You should contact CNN and ask them to put that discovery in the headlines. That is a amazing scientific discovery. I didnt know that chemical reactions had this amazing capability. May they will indicate you for a Nobel price for the scientific discovery of the year ?
chemical bonds and attractions do not create languages and codified instructional information, nor ciphers and translation mechanisms, not the hardware to process the information.Right, but they did direct the way the original building blocks of life could be put together, that includes all the little molecular machines running about doing their chores. The rest as they say, is history. amazing news. You should contact CNN and ask them to put that discovery in the headlines. That is a amazing scientific discovery. I didnt know that chemical reactions had this amazing capability. May they will indicate you for a Nobel price for the scientific discovery of the year ? Well then, you've heard. Perhaps you should allow the significance of it to soak in. :blank:
chemical bonds and attractions do not create languages and codified instructional information, nor ciphers and translation mechanisms, not the hardware to process the information.Right, but they did direct the way the original building blocks of life could be put together, that includes all the little molecular machines running about doing their chores. The rest as they say, is history. amazing news. You should contact CNN and ask them to put that discovery in the headlines. That is a amazing scientific discovery. I didnt know that chemical reactions had this amazing capability. May they will indicate you for a Nobel price for the scientific discovery of the year ? Well then, you've heard. Perhaps you should allow the significance of it to soak in. :blank:That's what's so funny about guys like addonis...they can't seem to see just how remarkable that is, that intelligent life could evolve out of chemical reactions. To me that's amazing and wonderful. But that's because I don't have an ulterior motive of trying to hoodwink people into believing in my god.
What, pray tell, is the alternative explanation?intelligence. of course. Any details? You want "intelligent design", one need look no further than the creation of atoms, and all that cascaded from those fundamentals. No superpower needed!!!
Chemistry Tutorial Chemical bonds and attractive forces
Molecular Interactions (Noncovalent Interactions) illustrated by biochemical systems
Biological Atoms & Molecules
The Chemical Components of a Cell Matter is made of combinations of elements—substances such as hydrogen or carbon that cannot be broken down or converted into other substances by chemical means. The smallest particle of an element that still retains its distinctive chemical properties is an atom. However, the characteristics of substances other than pure elements—including the materials from which living cells are made—depend on the way their atoms are linked together in groups to form molecules. In order to understand how living organisms are built from inanimate matter, therefore, it is crucial to know how all of the chemical bonds that hold atoms together in molecules are formed. bonds and attractions do not create languages and codified instructional information, nor ciphers and translation mechanisms, not the hardware to process the information. So, what creates those things?
So, what creates those things?intelligence ?!
So, what creates those things?intelligence ?!or ignorance?! No, wait, I take that back. Remove the question mark. It's just Ignorance. Ignorant Design Theory. Only an ignorant and hateful supreme being would create a world in which innocent children are born with maladies that cause them to suffer horribly. Yep, from now on, I.D. stands for Ignorant Design.
So, what creates those things?intelligence ?!or ignorance?! No, wait, I take that back. Remove the question mark. It's just Ignorance. Ignorant Design Theory. Only an ignorant and hateful supreme being would create a world in which innocent children are born with maladies that cause them to suffer horribly. Yep, from now on, I.D. stands for Ignorant Design.
A, you’re a willful idiot. You think focusing on all the little uncertainties,
while ignoring all that is known,
is an okay way to make your point and ignore what others try to share with
your self-certain absolutist attitude supported by cascades of rhetorical bullshit.
Okay, so be it. But be clear, you’re static, you have nothing of experience nor learning to add,
in fact it seems as though you reject any sort of objective independent learning given your dependence on one source for the flood of ink, (er pixels).
All you know is all you don’t know and you are happy with that because you have some dogma to cling to and that dogma can’t handle any complications.
You don’t understand that in the enlighten era (short lived thought that might turn out to be) one built their life around all they do know,
we calculate risks to the best of our ability, and go from there.
But, in the end we made logical decisions that made the difference between success and failure.