I read about this when the first stories came out a few years back, it seemed a bit interesting, a bit weird, and it fell to the wayside.
Today in a search for something interesting I stumbled on this interview with Mike Levin PhD, then was compelled to do some internet trawling and he’s the real deal, and it seems he’s got a hold of a mind blowing insight. And terrifying potentials for reckless human to mess with.
But so far as trying to understand who we are and how we were formed, it’s incredible, then again with more learning and understanding it might be quite credible after all, and merely amazing.
www. statnews. com/2018/01/02/michael-levin-bioelectricity/He makes tadpoles with eyes on their tails. Could that one day help solve birth defects in humans? (and lordie only knows what else)
By Eric Boodman - Jan. 2, 2018
If you ask how that cell is able to assemble itself among others to make the right shape — heart on the left, liver on the right, two hands with five fingers each — most people would say that’s all in the genes.
To Michael Levin, those people aren’t quite right. It’s true that genes code for proteins, and proteins are the building blocks of life. But if you want to fix a problem in the body’s structure — a birth defect, say — knowing which genes are involved will only get you so far. …
In his lab at Tufts University, Levin has been trying to figure out the other steps of the equation. He’s convinced that bioelectricity — the electrical circuits that ebb and flow among cells and tissues — plays a central role. …
wyss. harvard. edu/news/mike-levin-on-electrifying-insights-into-how-bodies-form/
Maybe it’s the current patterns that tell the microtubules what to do?
Folds, within folds of cumulative harmonic complexity flowing down the cascade of time. Or?