Temple plus home minus god

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It’s one of those weird things in this secularizing world, that humans have a need to gather, but to do it for requires you pass a belief test

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Beautifully written! Kate describes here precisely why a church for atheists would be so powerful. I found such a place when I lived in Buffalo, NY. The CFI headquarters there had many functions, debates, and lectures. It was there that I was unbaptised. It was there that I saw an incredible library with rare collections.

It should have been the University at Buffalo in which I felt at home as I pursued graduate studies - and to some extent it was. CFI worked with UB to establish the Science and Public masters degree program that I completed. Dr. Shook (awesome philosopher prof) said to me, “So, now you have an M.A.” I reminded him that it’s actually a M.Ed. He replied something along the lines of, “Right, the College of Arts and Sciences didn’t want to be associate with secular CFI but the College of Education did.”

Universities have always felt like home to me. CFI’s program at UB and its headquarters building in Amherst were a nice home for me in the sense that Kate expresses in this article.