New blood test able to find early alzhiemers before sysmptoms show

This is exactly the sort of thing I am talking about above. If you read this it implies cause and effect but lets change the order of the wording around a little to this: "First, lower frequency and severity of vascular disease in the brain was strongly linked to a more active cognitive lifestyle in men."
Changing "the order of the wording" means changing the meaning of the entire sentence i.e. it is a new sentence.
Its the same correlation exactly but you get a completely different cause and effect conclusion. We all need to be very careful about interpreting these retrospective studies. IN the case of Alzheimer's and lifestyle it is equally if not more likely that the physical changes in the brain lead to lifestyle differences rather than the other way around.
Is it so? :cheese:
The latter definitely works, no testing necessary. :) Lois
So, a big maybe. Lois
“Seems," madam? Nay, it is.
DM, Just a thought: You might want to get the test. If you have up to 10 years notice, before onset, you will have plenty of time to train for your ultimate solution. You wouldn't want to kick the gun off mark and blow off half your face (instead of eliminating your brains). Then you would not only still have Alzheimer's, you would also have a very painful mess.
True. Very true. You know what the funniest thing is? I' m not really kidding. I'm terrified of Alzheimer's and dementia in general. If I got diagnosed and was still cogent enough to realize it, I probably would try to off myself. Maybe Fargo style. Hah hah! Body in a wood chipper. It's best if you never get diagnosed or tested. Then you can go happily ga-ga and none the wiser. I suspect that people with dementia don't know they have it. I know a man with dementia who asks his wife several times a week why he can't drive. She tells him he has dementia and the DMV has taken away his license. He accepts that but she knows he will ask the same question again within days. Lois