Miracles are mathematically expected

I could put this in a lot of places, but I’m going to reference the gospel, 1 Cor 1:17-31. It’s an insidious passage, used to end many a debate. Once you convince someone of the wisdom of probabilities and the vastness of the universe, if they are locked into their religion, they will end with, “that’s not how God works. You are talking about the ways of man.”

The math is discussed in the first half of this podcast, then they talk about the how to Biblically destroy wisdom, then Chris asks Bart how you get someone from A to B, out of religion. that’s at 40 minutes.

Here’s the thing that could apply to many forum discussions. You don’t. If someone is stuck in “A”, trying to justify God and why there is evil in the world, there are many ways to do that. But, if someone is questioning, because they see prayers don’t work, they can’t reconcile starving children with loving God anymore, then, the secular interpretation, the human experience of the ineffable, the reasonable explanation of why outrageous things happen, those help people get to a satisfying “B”.

I could put this in a lot of places, but I’m going to reference the gospel, 1 Cor 1:17-31. It’s an insidious passage, used to end many a debate. Once you convince someone of the wisdom of probabilities and the vastness of the universe, if they are locked into their religion, they will end with, “that’s not how God works. You are talking about the ways of man.”
My problem lies with ; “that’s not how God works. You are talking about the ways of man.”.

No one can even define God, but they know how God does not work and it is not in the ways of man? Pure BS!

We know how mathematics work and we know the universe works in mathematical ways . No miracles have ever been observed.

If there is a God it is a mathematical principle that works on “Input <–> Function <–> Output”. What can replace such logic?

IMO, the rest is just “feel good” talk.



That is a problem. I have yet to solve that one. But since there is no god, it might eventually work its way out of the collective consciousness.