Islam is not really growing that fast

The statistics about the growing Muslim population always bug me because they assume Muslim parents will have Muslim kids. It’s true as long as they can continue to force them to be so, but historically, that doesn’t last, and currently, information is gaining traction as a way to combat that trend.

Hmmm, that makes sense.
I mean look around, how much has their religion helped them with the basics of living in a safe happy society.

Although a few moments ago I though of another angle to America’s rabid right wing extremism hiding behind religion. In particular, the “Right to Life” and Anti-Abortion movement, which don’t give a fig about the future condition of this planet’s environmental health, that those fetuses will grow up within. But I digress.

You’ve also got me thinking about the woman in Afghanistan, who knows what’s percolating under the surface. Oh gosh, then I think of the base viciousness of the religiously devout no matter what flag.

I knew that was going to be a never ending nightmare back in the Carter days. Too much betrayal, too much self-serving disregard for others, on every side, up and down the line. Now too much history of destruction.

Looks like the “boiling off” effect, where the moderates in countries with extreme Islamic governments leave and the most hardcore remain. Those people are very fertile and strong, while the non-believers become degenerates.

It happens with every religion but Islam is simply more extreme.

I hope you’re right, but it only takes a very small group of people within a cult to reignite a great deal amount of horrid destruction. The brotherhood of Muslims was laughed at back in the early 70’s before they had completely subjugated women into wearing tents in public. This photo on the website given doesn’t really say anything as to the condition of the Muslim subjugation of its people and worse yet to its women. This could be a photo taken on any given Sunday.

IMO, the hubris and pride of declaring that “my religion is the only true religion” and all other religions are false and must be eradicated, is a fundamentally sinful perspective that falsifies the entire religion which encourages or mandates such intolerant behavior.

As George Carlin so graphically demonstrated;

Q: Do you believe in God?
A: No
Result: Poof you’re dead

Q; Do you believe in God?
A: Yes
Q: Do you believe in my God?
A: No
Result: poof you’re dead.

Millions of dead religious people because they gave the wrong answer to the question: “Do you believe in my God”.

And the existential discrimination against science and scientists is another mortal sin in my book.

This is a typical tale;
Hypatia of Alexandria: A Woman Before Her Time

Following the lead of Peter, a reader for the church, the Monks of Nitria pulled Hypatia from her seat and dragged her through the city to Caesarium, the Church of Caesar. There, they stripped her naked, and beat her with broken pieces of pottery and scraped the skin from her body. Even though she was now dead, they were not yet finished. They tore her body, limb from limb, and took it to a place outside the city called Kinaron. There, they burned the remains of this noble lady upon a great pyre.

Hypatia was an extraordinary woman for her time. It has been said that she is the most famous of all women scientists until Madam Marie Curie, and that she was the Ralph Waldo Emerson of her day. Where would we be today had her science and philosophies been allowed to survive and flourish?

No person was ever punished for this brutal murder. But humankind paid dearly. The end of ancient science is symbolized by Hypatia’s death. Although the decline had been in progress for several centuries, for the next one thousand years after Hypatia there was only chaos and barbarism. These were the Dark Ages.