@ Mike Yohe,
In regards to your comment of me being all over the place, you’re right. but that is absolutely required in the grander scope of things.
You speak of a personal “spiritual world” as having always existed, but abstract thinking only emerged and evolved along with the increase in brain complexity, which was a result of a genetic mutation and had nothing to do with any “intentional creation”. There is no evidence of any god having been necessary for the world to have evolved as we know it through the physical sciences.
So, when I cite various evolutionary paths it’s only to illustrate how complexity itself is a naturally emergent pattern, originating from pure chaos and actually very much the opposite of your narrow creationist arguments.
I understand you wish to stay on the religious aspect of the creative forces, but that is putting on blinders to the real observable and scientifically based natural evolutionary creative forces. What you see is a result of 14.6 billion years of mathematically ordered physical actions and interactions.
The mathematics explain the self-referential and self-organizational processes which do not require any assistance from a “motivated intelligence”.
My point is that abstract mathematics are as spiritual as any god. Note that the definition of “potential” is “that which may become reality”, or IOW, whereas not all potential becomes reality, all reality was, is, and will be preceded by mathematical potentials of physical properties.
Mind that I do not dismiss scripture as useless documents. They are just not scientific in concept and that disqualifies them from being “factual”, but are rather allegorical much like all mythology and fables. If taken in proper context, much can be learned in the philosophies, but not in the physical sciences.