Yoho another example of Yohe abusing of our free speech rights. Malicious vandalism. The ruthless amoral relentless fallacious attack on the good character of a very respected scientist, but on complete deception and misrepresentation of the fact and ignoring truck loads worth of available information.
Yohe: "But he handled the Hockey Stick wrong. If he had said, if there is a problem, let see what it is and get everyone on the same page."It's been done, hell the "hockey stick" is forgotten ancient history and the science has moved way beyond those days, yet the story it tells remains the same. Yohe and Trump and the GOP ciphers refuse to recognize physical reality itself has vindicated Mann's early work, as have quite a few investigations. Of course every exoneration only proves the fix was in, to these conspiracy dependent simpletons.
Will the trumpeters ever absorb the information and learn any of the rational constructive lessons to be had?
Apparently hell no, they are on their *God’s mission (read *EGO run amok).
Dr. Mann’s paper (actually there were many scientists involved in all these papers, Mann was team leader) has been examined up and down inside and out. But Yoho must reject all of that out of hand, or his card house reality falls apart. Only winning their political game matters, well that and increasing those personal short term riches.
https://www.whistleblower.org/politicization-of-climate-science/attacks-on-climate-science-and-scientists/nsf-ig-report-on-michael-mann-investigation/NSF IG report on Michael Mann investigation: “No research misconduct. Case closed.” Don’t bother telling Rick Perry.
This is getting old. Completing yet another investigation of the co-author of a seminal study of the 1,000-year temperature record (commonly referred to as the “Hockey Stick”), the National Science Foundation Inspector General concluded: “Finding no research misconduct or other matter raised by the various regulations and laws discussed above, this case is closed.” But don’t waste your breath telling that to global warming denialist Rick Perry, oil-money governor of Texas and would-be president.
See Joe Romm, Climate Progress: Climate Secret: NSF Quietly Closes Out Inspector General Investigation with Complete Vindication of Michael Mann
Two things we know with extremely high confidence:
1. Recent warming is unprecedented in magnitude and speed and cause (so the temperature history looks like a Hockey Stick).
2. Michael Mann, the lead author on the original Hockey Stick paper, is one of the nation’s top climatologists and a source of first-rate analysis.We know these things because both the Hockey Stick and Mann have been independently investigated and vindicated more times than any other facet of climate science or any other climate scientist.
Also Richard Littlemore, DeSmogBlog: National Science Foundation vindicates Michael Mann
Mann’s work has been ‘vindicated’ against allegations of research misconduct by seven investigations — or is it eight now, I’m losing track. …
No Mike Yohe, Dr. Mann did not handle a Hockey Stick at all!
That was a label our hollywood-shackled imaginations pasted onto a graph Mann’s team produced based on their rigorous computational work and the available data. It was also pioneering work, and perfection has never ever been a hallmark of important pioneering work, nor has it ever before been demanded the way it has in Dr. Mann’s case.
What happened to ‘libertarian’ humanity - what about respecting the good will in others? Trumpeteers must proceed from a fundamental conviction that all scientists are lying to them unless they report what they want to believe. Any joker is elevated to final authority of a topic, while actually experts who have spent their lives consumed with working these problems get defaced and branded as fools and liar. It’s so profoundly disgusting I still can’t wrap my head around it, no matter how I try.
What Dr. Mann was doing was processing complex climate proxy data to track specific markers that had been previous established as enabling an interpretation of past climate conditions. Sort of like your hair contains a ‘blueprint’ of all the substances you’ve been ingesting, if you know how to read it. The data drove their conclusions.
Another thing Yohe won’t share is that if you look at the original graph and put it next to Mc/Mc’s misleadingly called “corrections” - finding the difference is difficult for the untrained so. Who what kind of mountain have they fabricated out of lint?
But, contrarians can’t be bothered with learning enough to appreciate the details of what’s going on.
Yohe, can’t bring himself to admit that there have been many studies of those two pioneering papers and how they were written. All the experts agree that Mann did nothing, not a damned thing shady. As for technical problems with his paper, it was pioneering work and of course scientists always argue about choices made, and they consider alternative processing algorithms. All that is the stuff of science moving forward - but Trumpteers have entered a totally alternate self-certain, Faith-Blinded, attack oriented reality and learning is anathema to them.
So we have the endless dog chasing the tail of pointless arguments that the Yohe’s of ‘libertarian’ sect have evolved into a true literary art form. Still, containing nothing about constructive learning from the evidence at hand, just more endlessly distracting drivel of yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but, yeah but then again there is this:
<p style=“text-align: center;”>https://www.skepticalscience.com/broken-hockey-stick.htm</p>