God is the God Beyond God

I was a grant proposal writer for 2 Indian Tribes.

First successful grant was for a Salmon hatchery for the Nisqually Tribe in Washington.
Second grant for a community health nurse for the Kootenai tribe in Bonners Ferry.
Third was an initial approval for funding of a Hotel Casino in Bonners Ferry for the Kootenai Tribe. Unfortunately, tribal politics replaced the then government and administration, including me.

The Casino was later approved and its yearly contribution to Bonners Ferry schools and hospital has kept these community services financially healthy.

Oh, BF is beautiful country. About 50 % of the Panhandle is National Forest and except for approved logging sites, there is lots of first growth wilderness, home to a variety of large wildlife.

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Beautiful, especially the not having bark beetle.

Up until not too many years ago, this

used to look like, that

Enjoy :+1:t2:

It is totally clear to me that you are referring to a King, a Dictator of the past
Kings, Dictators have enemies, they are after their throne, power
All this talk of judging and simple torture and pleasures of the flesh - is primitive
If a parent has his child abducted, the parent does not care whether the criminal is suffering in hell or on earth, the parent wants his child back and it seems “God” is unable to do that
it shows these are man-made Gods

For Hindus, the answer is simple - Truth Above God
The idea is clear - if a far superior alien intelligence were to come down wearing the right garb, say young, blond, tall, handsome and do some “magic”, he could then implore people to kill innocents & you know people will blindly follow - we see this with the praise of Abraham and his willingness to kill his OWN son
but Truth says you cannot kill innocents - that is wrong

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Who would guess that global warming may be responsible for the death of otherwise healthy forests brought about by Bark Beetles.

Bark beetles have been in California longer than people. The beetles aren’t dangerous under normal circumstances , but when trees are weakened due to lack of water from prolonged drought, they are more susceptible to attacks from bark beetles.


Dead trees become fuel for wildfire.

> Tiny insect creatures—bark beetles—and drought are a deadly combination. Together they are killing millions of trees, greatly increasing the risk of wildfire in California.


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