Cancel Culture

This seems to be a cultural phenomenon unique to the US in particular. Although the younger Japanese are into American pop culture, they would never think of tearing down their traditions. They are a monolithic culture distinctly Japanese. The resistance to the idea of assimilation into a white Christian culture is problematic to social cohesion in America. Despite the resistance, we are a distinctive cultural type recognizable to foreigners.
Right. Young Westerners are not a good representation of young people worldwide. Even the usual mentality of young people that we think of doesn't really translate worldwide.
When right-wingers are daydreaming about how capitalism will work in the perfect utopian society created after we get rid of all regulations they call it “free market”. What you are currently decrying as the “cancel culture” is literally how the “free market” approach to deregulation is supposed to work. If you’re unhappy with a product, don’t buy that product and it will go away. If you’re unhappy with a company just don’t do business with that company and it will die. Tell everyone you know about your terrible experience and they’ll band together with you to punish the offending corporation.

So it’s “good” when we’re talking about getting rid of all regulations and letting the free market decide. And I’m sure it was “good” when Politically Incorrect got cancelled. But in this case, which is exactly the same, it’s totally different and it’s “bad”. I actually believe conservatives literally cannot see their own hypocrisy.

You’re talking about boycotting which is only one aspect of Cancel Culture – not even the most common aspect, at that.

Young Westerners are not a good representation of young people worldwide. - oneguy
Young Americans are the pits. Where do they get the money to strut? Debt, that's what. All looks, no substance.


Nah, Trump handles adversity well because he’s the type of guy who has naturally high self esteem. He acts like a fool a lot of the time but he doesn’t let that hold him back — which is not always a good thing, of course.

Millenials didn’t invent the adult temper tantrum. ~ @Lausten

The dotard invented the adult temper tantrum, probably because he’s a sociopath, which contributes to his “naturally high self-esteem”, as long as it is constantly fed by others and if not, he doesn’t handle adversity well and starts acting like a impetuous idiot, not a fool. Keep in mind, this man rather do nothing and murder over 220,000 (probably more as I type this) via a virus, which isn’t including all the Latinos he’s had killed at the border or destroyed their lives, as he mocks anyone who would dare listen to scientists in order to save lives.

What you are currently decrying as the “cancel culture” is literally how the “free market” approach to deregulation is supposed to work. If you’re unhappy with a product, don’t buy that product and it will go away. -- widders
That's not what I'm talking about. Boycotts like that take months or years to play out and create change. Cancel culture is a quick reaction by management. Someone gets enough attention that it gets to the management of a newspaper, or some public facing job like sports, and the people who can fire someone, fire someone. If the people getting cancelled were all in line with the values of fairness and compassion and free speech, it wouldn't be a problem.

There isn’t a name for “as a group, we discussed the issue, gathered some data, considered the alternatives, and decided that this was wrong, and are asking for an appropriate response”, because that doesn’t need a name.

EDIT: I meant the opposite of that cross out. If the people doing the cancelling had well reasoned arguments, based on evidence, and followed up their actions with education and open discussion, this would not be a problem, that’s how we normally progress toward a more free and open society.

Nah, Trump handles adversity well because he’s the type of guy who has naturally high self esteem.
High self esteem? Name one president who whined more about being treated "very unfairly". He's the whiniest little bitch to ever "dis"grace the office. He can't even handle the twice-yearly "journalistic integrity day" events they have at Fox "News" where they actually do a piece based in reality which isn't entirely flattering to him (which they do to work his dumb ass like a puppet because they know if they say mean things about some policy he'll change course immediately). He need constant, unending praise and whines unceasingly about how the press is quoting the things he says and does to make him look bad. Is that what "high self esteem" looks like to you?
He does act like a fool, but they make him do it.
I stand corrected. Everybody knows that you can easily make people with high self esteem act like a fool whenever you want.
Critters came out from everywhere to take him down.
You apparently don't remember most of 2016 if you think that's true. Critters actually went into the woodwork when he got the nomination and got elected. Remember the "Never Trump" Republicans? Most of them are now loyal Trump supporters. And surely you remember the infamous dossier? But you've apparently forgotten that started out as REPUBLICAN opposition research which was gifted to the Clinton campaign when Trump won the nomination. Meanwhile Democrats are where they've always been, opposed to Trump. They haven't changed their stance one bit. Nobody "came out of the woodwork". Those who oppose Trump are in the light where they've always been. What really happened is that Republican cockroaches suddenly lost the integrity they held so dear before in early November of 2016. Hell, even Republicans knew Trump was a Russian puppet before the election. We have a recording of Paul Ryan and some other Republicans talking about him being on Russia's payroll, laughing, and then saying, "No, I'm completely serious". Ryan said it never happened, a reporter said they had a recording, Ryan said, "Okay, it did happen, but we were NOT completely serious, contrary to what was said when we thought nobody was listening."