adapting to global warming

This is in no way a solution to the problem, however it does show how some are adapting to it in particular regions.

That looks like it could work in some areas, but what about the Pacific Islanders whose homelands are going to disappear under rising oceans, or the people in the Middle East who are finding themselves with no water, or the people in the American Southwest who are watching millions of acres of forests burn, or the people in Africa who are under perpetual drought…?

Not everyone will be able to stay where they are. They’ll have to become ‘climate refugees’.

Let’s see, the simple solution is for the farmers’ counting on mountain ice is to build a dam.
And the Pacific Islanders and Africans will be your neighbors in a few years Darron. Just look at the immigration policy they are putting on the table.

That looks like it could work in some areas, but what about the Pacific Islanders whose homelands are going to disappear under rising oceans, or the people in the Middle East who are finding themselves with no water, or the people in the American Southwest who are watching millions of acres of forests burn, or the people in Africa who are under perpetual drought...?
Didn't say it was a solution, only a (small) way to adapt. Another article you may want to take a look at.