A Thread About Genealogy

Wow. Which resources did you use to find out this history?

In my opinion 23andMe is best for DNA testing (haplogroup testing). It also provides health tests based on DNA markers (a little boring to me).

The family tree part is adequate but I prefer the Ancestry version.

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Family tales, mainly. Plus some research on a particular surname that is associated with that population.

That’s why I want 23andMe. As for Ancestry.com I’ve not had luck with it, so I decided to to stick with the ancestry work has already been done in my family, which is extensive, even though I question it. I find ancestry.com very confusing.

This may be of interest;

Largest ever family tree of humanity reveals our species’ history

A genealogy of humans constructed from thousands of genomes gives us clues about where our species first evolved and how we spread across the world

Meet your relatives. A family tree of humanity has been constructed using genetic data from thousands of modern and prehistoric people. The tree gives a view of 2 million years of prehistory and evolution.

“Humans are all ultimately related to each other,” says Gil McVean at the University of Oxford. “What I’ve long wanted to do is to be able to represent the totality of what we can learn about human history through this genealogy.”

The new family tree suggests that our earliest roots were in north-east Africa. It also offers clues that people reached Papua New Guinea and the Americas tens of thousands of years earlier than the archaeological record implies, hinting at early migrations that haven’t yet been discovered. However, both these ideas would need to be confirmed by archaeologists.