


Just a quick thanks to this forum for trusting me to add new topics in in this forum.

In return. I’d like to share an private part of my history - I was a very committed Christian in my late teen to mid-twenties. Gradually, I stopped going to church - it truly was boring listening to the same theme of sermon very Sunday morning.

Anyway now as I’m over 40 (ahem!!) I’ve read a few book of Richard Dawkins. So I suppose I’ve done 20 years of religion and 20 years of non-religion approximately.

Currently I’m re-reading Outgrowing God and starting to question some of the aspects of the science part of the book which is the latter half.

Anyway, my first topic will be about drinking the urine of others - I suppose who cares if we do - anyway hope to have some enjoyable learning with you hopefully :slight_smile:
