Why Don't Things Fall Apart

My feeling is that in a deep sense QM is making us confront our subjective limitations in interpreting reality. Maybe, as a species evolved from hominids, we are simply incapable of really getting under the skin of QM and may need to evolve more to make real progress. This may be why we cannot presently test any of the interpretations, i.e., because we lack the perceptual ability to do so. Mathematical models alone are not enough to 'experience' deeper levels of the universe.
Precisely. We are not wired to understand the quantum world. We can use math to get a working approximation but I'm not sure our brains will ever truly grasp the quantum world because it is so foreign to our experience. Honestly neither the Copenhagen Interpretation nor the Many Worlds Interpretation can give us true insight. At least the CI gives phycisists the tools to make useful predictions, which have led to the electronics we use to communicate long distance. The MWI gives no such tools. Scientifically it is a dead end. The CI may also be a dead end, but it has been useful for decades. Philosophically neither interpretation is satisfactory. They both postulate an outside observer to to make changes in quantum states, which is preposterous. There were no outside observers in the early universe. There are almost certainly no outside observers in the vast majority of the universe, yet matter exists in macro states or we would not be here. The CI at least gives us a working model that approximates reality and allows us to develop new technologies. The MWI is a fantasy that explains nothing and leads to the ridiculous conclusion that every time a quantum state changes it creates a new universe similar to ours but subtly different. There are about 1x10^80 particles in the universe. According to the MWI every time two of those particles interact a new universe pops up from nowhere. Those new universes are unobservable and have no affect on our universe. Where did that matter originate? How does it not violate conservation of energy? Why does the gravity from all the uncountable universes not affect our universe? The phrase not even wrong comes to mind.