Top-down study of beliefs

I have to agree with George that atheists do not believe in the existence of any god. Quoting Lois:
Atheists dont think god doesnt exist. They simply have not seen any evidence that one (or many) exist. There is a big difference between having no belief in a concept and believing the concept doesn’t exist.
Sorry, Lois, but I can recognize the existence of a concept without believing the phenomenon it describes exists. As a child I enjoyed the stories that included winged horses, but I didn't believe they actually existed. I recognize the concept, but that isn't synonymous with believing in it. About the UU demomination, I agree with Lois. When I was introduced to it about fifty years ago, the hall (they didn't call it a church or santuary) had chairs not pews, the books in front of them had folk songs, not hymns, the minister gave talks (he stated they were not sermons) on political and social issues, never religion, and he was a strong atheist. Most of the members were atheists or agnostics. However, when the Universalists took over (to my mind) they ruined a great organization and dragged it back to quasi-theology. Unfortunately, there aren't many meeting places for humanists and atheists to congregate. Occam
In the end we need to ask ourselves, “For what purpose is our self awareness, but for a loftier purpose?".
This particular fallacy is known as begging the question. The question itself assumes that there must be a loftier purpose when there is no evidence of any sort of direction or purpose at all.