That’s an interesting summary. Would it be fair to say, our current global societies are the fruits of that long proud intellectual history?
How much do you think has the philosophy impacted everyday thinking?
Are there any conclusions to draw from understanding this human thought development?
Or, where do we go from here?
Being a non-academic, with my education and reading driven by my interests and focus of the moment (so you understand where I’m coming from).
When I read that line, although it resonates and feels right - I couldn’t explain 'cause my understanding is too nebulous.
[At least not without reducing it to my particular persuasion which is best described as Earth Centrism (not to be mistaken with geocentrism - this Earth Centrism is about a bottom up evolutionary science based perspective.), but this isn’t the place for that.]
Could you explicate,
German idealist Hegel and his mystical historicism, features which were only
“scienticized” by materializing them
. . .