Microtubules the seat of Consciousness

Well I’ve heard scientists refer to our brain’s thoughts as meta-physical, so what are you saying?
Sara Walker put’s it another way:

I don’t see you, all I see is your words and arguments.

Hey, that’s what you doing, “the seat of consciousness” “tubules”. But that’s not how it works. Those are components, and not the thing.

Wow, the you do stuff like that to me.
Besides the number being reduced way more than that, and totally skip the most important point, that the microbiome, isn’t something spread through the entire body, it’s in specific areas, and that makes a big difference in appreciating what roll they play.

Very respectable experts also can say stupid stuff - regarding the micro biome - implying (deliberately or simply through poor selection of words) that those foreign microbes reside “in our body”, is sloppy and inaccurate in the extreme, and tends to mislead rather than clarify.

And I’ll keep pointing out the flaws and omissions.

Let me know when you get to the Uncertainty Principle that the more you focus on the tiniest components, the more you lose sight of the entire complex organism. It’s something scientists have pointed for many generations.