It's impossible to live an ethical life

. No.

. That is what people precisely try to do … the majority of them. Living a so-called ethical Life.

. Why they try to live an ethical Life? Because, otherwise they won’t get respectability in society.

. And if they don’t get respectability by society, they shall never be possessed by any feeling of belonging on any social group.

. So, the majority of people don’t really live Life.

. They live according to what others expect them to be, to do, to have, to behave.
Which is the same, in other words, of living a Life of hypocrisy.

. That’s why your precedents have said that Life is a Drama; a theater show.

. I would like to reformulate the greeks.

. I would rather say that Society is a Drama, a theater show … and a non-aesthetic one.

. A non-aesthetic one, due to one’s one inauthenticity towards others and towards oneself.

. You live under thousands of masks. You have thousands of personalities. That is what the word personality exactly means; it comes from a greek root which means Mask.

. You are different with your employee than you are with your boss. You are arrogant to your employee and a stupid obedient sheep to your boss. You show the side which is most convenient at the moment to one person … and at the next moment you are utterly different from the precedent moment. Your emotional state has totally changed; your so-called personality has been totally transfigured …

. You are not one person. You live thousands of diametrically different Lives.

. You live in a schizophrenia, thanks to your so-called ethical people … who have been conditioning your mind for ages, for millennia