By Chance: Biology - Cosmology

By Chance: Biology - Cosmology

Can reasonable child be created from zygote during
270 days of woman’s pregnancy by chance?
Does the theory of probability allow to create reasonable child
during 270 days of woman’s pregnancy by chance?

Our human body is a multi-cellular organism made up
of perhaps 100 trillion different cells.
Book: ‘‘ The unity of Nature’‘
‘‘The information content in the nucleus of a single human cell
is comparable to that of a library containing a thousand volumes.’’
/ by Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker, page 40 /
How can 100 trillion different cells (100 trillion libraries with a
thousand volumes in each) create a child ( by the chance )
during 9 months of woman’s pregnancy ?

In my opinion this circumstance is similar to the ‘‘Infinite monkey theorem’’
‘‘The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys
at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time
will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works
of William Shakespeare.’’

But according to the modern theory of ‘big bang’ the Universe
exist only 14 billion years.
So, monkey’s chance to write Shakespeare’s Hamlet is zero.
But woman . . . . ?!
A single zygote evolves and develop 100 trillion different cells that
create reasonable child. By chance it is impossible.
It must take time much more than only 270 days of woman’s pregnancy
Maybe it will take time more than 14 billion years.
Then, maybe, before the ‘ big bang’ was a pregnant woman who
gave life to a child who invented the '‘ big- bang '’ theory (?)

Embryology and evolution are not based on chance.

The development of an embryo is directed by genetics. No chance involved .

Evolution follows the collections of genes that survive in the individuals expressing them. No chance involved .

Where did you get those completely incorrect ideas? Any reading or thinking on the topic will easily dispel your misconceptions .


What is a gene?
A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity.
Genes are made up of DNA.

What is DNA ?
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material
in humans and almost all other organisms.

What is ‘‘deoxyribonucleic acid’’ ?

deoxyribonucleic acid / DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
is a molecule that encodes an organism’s genetic blueprint. …
DNA is a linear molecule composed of four types of smaller
chemical molecules called nucleotide bases:
adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).


Every molecule is made of many cells.
The human body is a multi-cellular organism made up
of perhaps 100 trillion different cells.
How can 100 trillion different cells (100 trillion libraries with a
thousand volumes in each) (the collections of genes)
create a child ( by the chance )
during 9 months of woman’s pregnancy ?

Your errors are too basic to fix. It would take ages to explain why you’re wrong and you’d have to want to learn. I don’t have the time and I’m doubtful you would read or try to understand my work.

This is basic stuff. Read a book or watch a video on evolution .

Ummmm. Stephen Meyer is where you get your information on genetics and evolution? That explains everything.

Try getting your information from the 99+% of biologists who aren’t trying to make reality conform to a preconceived notion.

When you have to limit your sources to a tiny minority of fringe dwelling pseudoscientists, you’re missing the real science that’s everywhere.

99+% of biologists
But, but, he retorts, That's an Argument from Authority.
How can 100 trillion different cells (100 trillion libraries with a thousand volumes in each) (the collections of genes) create a child ( by the chance ) during 9 months of woman’s pregnancy ?
If I mentioned that there's actually a couple billion years worth of programing that's gone into the Construction Instructions for that little bitty baby - would Sherlock get the hint?


CC: If I mentioned that there’s actually a couple billion years worth of programing that’s gone into the Construction Instructions for that little bitty baby – would Sherlock get the hint?




"But, but, he retorts, That’s an Argument from Authority."
Yes... yes it is. But there's a threshold after which authority does have some weight behind it, and the weight in this case is so overwhelming you must be willfully ignorant to deny it.

I eagerly await Sherlock’s denial.

"If I mentioned that there’s actually a couple billion years worth of programing that’s gone into the Construction Instructions for that little bitty baby – would Sherlock get the hint?"
Like most science deniers, facts will have no impact.

The internet contains a great landmass of scientific information. I also has some garbage floating in it. For some reason a few people choose to grab onto the garbage instead of living on land. It’s a fee country (so far), so they’re free to do as they choose, but I will always offer a hand up onto land. If they swat it away too often, I stop caring and let them float away.