Benefits of a Rapture?


Cute. While it is nice to fantasize about the benefits of the Rapture, in reality we’d see the moderate Christians gone and be left with the Tea Partiers and right wing zealots still on Earth. This would ease traffic congestion and make jobs a sellers’ market, but we’d still have to deal with the worst of the anti-government, me-first crowd.
Edited for clarity.

True, but we’d also have plenty of guns with which to shoot them.

Are you kidding? The gun-totin’ right wingers are precisely those who would be left behind, along with the televangelists and Christian theme park owners.

Precisely. They’d make more guns, remove the restrictions on owning them, and probably give them away. Hence, we’d “have plenty of guns with which to shoot them.” Granted, we of the no faith crowd would be outnumbered, but we’d just have to use more effective tactics. Maybe build some fortifications or go guerrilla or something.
Hell, I only said we’d have more guns, not that we’d win. :slight_smile:

Outsmarting them shouldn’t be difficult.

One should never underestimate his enemy.

Damn, I’m going to have to go back to the 99 cent store for stronger glasses. Just now, I thought it belonged in the Alternative Medicine sections because when I read the title of this thread I thought it said, “The Benefits of a Rupture.” :red:

"The Benefits of a Rupture."
And that would be eww.
Damn, I'm going to have to go back to the 99 cent store for stronger glasses. Just now, I thought it belonged in the Alternative Medicine sections because when I read the title of this thread I thought it said, "The Benefits of a Rupture." :red: Occam