A simple "airbag" theory of Life After Death

Yeah well, I left fairy tales behind long ago.
You go play with your Tulpa, your imaginary buddy.

Very impressive statement and totally false.
I have heard different from several other “minds”.

“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

― Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon

Apparently, you do not understand the definition of “reality”.

Let me refresh your memory;

Reality, noun


  1. the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
    “he refuses to face reality”

Similar: the real world, real life, actuality, truth, physical existence, corporeality, substantiality, materiality

Opposite: fantasy

  1. the state or quality of having existence or substance.
    “youth, when death has no reality”

Definitions from Oxford Languages

OK, are we done with the : “he refuses to face reality”?

I have been wondering about the flaw in your controlled hallucination.
And I think I have discovered the fundamental error in your thinking.

You’re not talking about material reality. You are talking about time
and that is why you believe you can make an argument about life after death that doesn’t actually deal with physical reality at all.
It deals with your perspective of “time”.

Let me illustrate why this came to mind.

The Illusion of Time: What’s Real?

Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, writer and host of “Closer To Truth,” a public television and multimedia program featuring the world’s leading thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions regarding the cosmos, consciousness and a search for meaning.

Why is time controversial? It feels real, always there, inexorably moving forward. Time has flow, runs like a river. Time has direction, always advances. Time has order, one thing after another. Time has duration, a quantifiable period between events. Time has a privileged present, only now is real. Time seems to be the universal background through which all events proceed, such that order can be sequenced and durations measured.

The question is whether these features are actual realities of the physical world or artificial constructs of human mentality. Time may not be what time seems** — this smooth unity without parts, the ever-existing stage on which all happenings happen.

Is time physical?

To appreciate time is to feel the fabric of reality. I interview physicists and philosophers on my public television series, “Closer to Truth,” and many assert that time is an illusion. What do they mean that time is “not real?”

Huw Price, professor of philosophy at Cambridge University, claims that the three basic properties of time come not from the physical world but from our mental states: A present moment that is special; some kind of flow or passage; and an absolute direction.

“What physics gives us,” Price said, “is the so-called ‘block universe,’ where time is just part of a four-dimensional space-time … and space-time itself is not fundamental but emerges out of some deeper structure.”

We sense an “arrow” or direction of time, and even of causation, he said, because our minds add a “subjective ingredient” to reality, “so that we are projecting onto the world the temporal perspective that we have as agents [in this environment].” [Alan Alda Asks: ‘What Is Time?’]

[write4u, post:483, topic:7725]
…[kurvature66, post:481, topic:7725]
If there is no such thing as a “human observer” then it cannot be confirmed by any means whatsoever that “physical reality” exists !!

I think I have discovered the fundamental error in your thinking.

[Hammond… Kurvature 66]
… Well I’m certain I’ve discovered the error in your thinking: you don’t actually have any credentials in science, such as any college degrees in the subject.
… My degrees in physics are certified below:

Degree Verification
** Request date: 03/03/2021 **
**This Degree Verification reflects information requested for the student listed below and is accurate as of 03/03/2021 **
Student: George Hammond
NUID: 000323203
Degree: Master of Science in Physics
Date Awarded: June 18, 1967
This information is furnished by the University Registrar in full accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Office of the University Registrar
271 Huntington Ave - #230

Northeastern University

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Boston MA. 02115-5000


Fax: 617-373-5351

E-Mail: transcripts@neu.edu
The presence of the university watermark validates this document.

Ad hominem does not an argument make, my friend.

Do tell wherefrom you got your knowledge other than books that are available to anyone who is interested in the subject. Or are they available to only a privileged few? Dunning-Kruger anyone?

Why don’t you read what I post instead of attacking my mental capacity?

[write4u, post:485, topic:7725]
[kurvature66, post:484, topic:7725]
. . . [Hammond… Kurvature 66]

… Well I’m certain I’ve discovered the error in your thinking: you don’t actually have any credentials in science, such as any college degrees in the subject.
… My degrees in physics are certified below:

Ad hominem does not an argument make, my friend

[Hammond… Kurvature 66]
Asking for someone’s academic credentials in a public scientific debate is NOT considered an ad hominem remark.
… On the other hand, your remark in post #482 suggesting that my theory was a " hallucination" –
certainly is an ad hominem remark

Do tell where from you got your knowledge other than books that are available to anyone who is interested in the subject. Or are they available to only a privileged few? Dunning-Kruger anyone?

[Hammond… Kurvature 66]
… Cut the smoke screen baloney, a college degree in an academic subject certifies that you have taken and passed hundreds of academic examinations proving your knowledge and performance level in that academic discipline. “Reading books”; who do you think you’re kidding?

Why don’t you read what I post instead of attacking my mental capacity?

[Hammond… Kurvature 66]
… Quit your lying, I’ve never attacked your “mental capacity”, I have only questioned you’re academic – professional competency, and so far I haven’t seen any evidence of it.
… Meantime the real question is, “why don’t you read my posts”? Instead of posting 150 “off-topic” comments on various subjects that seem to interest you and no one else?
… And by the way, let me tell you something I have discovered, while only a few extremely educated people in high places are interested in a scientific proof of God, it turns out that almost everyone would like to know if there actually is such a thing as life after death
… I have a website and 8000 people have visited it, yet 80% only read about my “Airbag” mechanism of life after death! And that involves MICROTUBULES which I thought you were interested in

No, it isn’t and that proves my point. The term “controlled hallucination” (as opposed to uncontrolled hallucination) is used in context of normal thought processes by the eminent neural scientist Anil Seth.

Anil K. Seth
Anil Seth portait.jpg197x300
Born 6 November 1972 (age 49)

Alma mater University of Cambridge (MA)
University of Sussex (PhD)
Scientific career
Fields Neuroscience
Institutions University of Sussex
Thesis On the relations between behaviour, mechanism, and environment : explorations in artificial evolution (2000)
Doctoral advisors Phil Husbands
Hilary Buxton
Website www.anilseth.com

Anil Kumar Seth (born 1972) is a British professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex. He has degrees in Natural Sciences (BA/MA, Cambridge, 1994), Knowledge-Based Systems (M.Sc., Sussex, 1996) and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (D.Phil./Ph.D., Sussex, 2001).

[quote=“kurvature66, post:486, topic:7725”]
And that involves MICROTUBULES which I thought you were interested in

Indeed and that is precisely why I disagree with you. I have 100+ pages on the existence, function, and importance of microtubules on another forum and I, except for actual laboratory work, have as much theoretical knowledge as most technicical experimenters, most which are too specialized to have in depth knowledge of all the functions microtubules perform and may well be the seat of consciousness.

There are about 5 different names for microtubules, dependent on the specific area of inquiry. Riddle me that one.

p.s. edit on number of pages.

[write4u, post:487, topic:7725]
…[kurvature66, post:486, topic:7725]

And that involves MICROTUBULES which I thought you were interested in

[write4u, post:487, topic:7725]
Indeed and that is precisely why I disagree with you. I have 200 pages on the existence, function, and importance of microtubules on another forum and I except for actual laboratory work, I have as much theoretical knowledge as most technicical experimenters.

[Hammond… Kurvature 66]
… Hey Bubba, don’t get me wrong, I owe you a debt of gratitude since this thread sat here for 11 months completely dead until YOU started posting to it and revived it! All because apparently you are interested in microtubules and this thread was about how “microtubules cause life after death”!
… I’d certainly be interested to look through those 200 pages about microtubules that you have posted on another forum. Would you tell me where they are located?

check PM

p.s. number pages should read 100+

What are the other five? In your fallacy?

Oh, so that makes us the Gods.

I imagine you have no use for the theory of evolution - since it’s all in our heads.

The arrogance of humanity knows no bounds. Perhaps that’s why we’re on the fast track to destroying ourselves - oh but life will continue on this planet, no matter what we do to it.

It’s funny that you’re so convinced in your own adulthood and authority, when you miss so much that’s outside of your tunnel vision.

How much one crams into their head isn’t what matters, it’s what one manages to do with it that matters.

{The deleted post was intended for 66 not M - then again it does sort of apply to 66’s game, so there’s that.}

But I’m 67!

I suppose it must be a game, but it seems more fundamentally desperate than that. A compulsion. Met with compulsive denial. An endless game? What’s the reward? That I suppose.

It’s coded.


[Hammond …kurvature66]
… I just posted a new threat there entitled:
The first experimental measurement of God; to 2-decimal point accuracy
… Meanwhile, I am reading your 113 pages on microtubules backwards chronologically from today back to 2018 !

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[Hammond …kurvature66]
…Oops, that’s “thread” not “threat”, Dragon 13 voice dictation isn’t always accurate!

Isn’t that from I Am The Walrus?